DiagnoSys V1.6 - written in assembler by Jason Frecknall ©1996 Just a simple system information proggram which started as a coding exercise. Shows cache/burst states, chipset, Display mode (PAL or NTSC), CPU, FPU and VBR. Recognises all CPU's (hopefully!). Since I only have an 030 I can't test if 040 and 060 recognition work, but there shouldn't be any problems. Also 040 copyback is not supported yet. Example output (my blizzard 1230/4): DiagnoSYS V1.6 by Jason Frecknall 1996 PAL System with AGA Chipset Memory Available: Type: Start: End: Length: Chip: $00000000 $00200000 #2097152 Fast: $78000000 $78F80000 #16252928 <--15.5Mb 'cos of MapRom Processor: 68030 with 68882 ICache: On IBurst: On DCache: On DBurst: On VBR: $00000000 Installation: If you really want to keep it then drag the icon to where you want it to live. Bugs: A friend tested V1.5 on his A500+ and it crashed. Nevermind who cares? It worked fine on all other machines it was tested on.